Saturday, March 1, 2014

Album review: Clover

Check out my latest review, this one by New York hardcore outfit Clover--in the upcoming issue of Illinois Entertainer.

New York hardcore is alive and well, and if Clover gets established, as it should, the future looks bright too. On its first full-length release, this Kingston, N.Y., three-piece throws down as hard as the likes of Hatebreed. The result: 10 bristling tracks of hardcore metal, financed through a $1,500 Kickstarter campaign. Back-to-back tracks “Berserker” and “Ragnarok” juxtapose frenetic metal with sludgier stuff. Every track is fierce and raw yet moments of groovy riffing abound, especially on the otherwise brutal “Catalyst.” Clover is clearly a band to notice early.
- Jason Scales

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