Monday, March 2, 2015

Album review: The Melvins' "Hold It In"

The Melvins
*Hold It In*
There might not be a better melding of bizarre alternative rock bands than the core of the Melvins (King Buzzo and Dale Crover) joining with the guitarist and bassist of the Butthole Surfers (Paul Leary and JD Pinkus). The resulting 12 tracks are (mostly) surprisingly linear and coherent. Who knew it’d take the Surfers to bring the pop sensibilities of the Melvins to the forefront?

“Bride of Crankenstein” is aural cotton candy with its over-fuzzed power chords. Although a collaboration, most songs sound distinctly Melvins, with “The Bunk Up” an instant classic: for seven minutes it transitions from herky-jerky stoner rock to accordion and bass driven carnival music to a groove-heavy ending. 
The Leary-written track “I Get Along (Hollow Moon)” has a distinct Surfers’ rockabilly twang. “Barcelona Horseshoe Pit” and much of the 12-minute “House of Gasoline” are trippy, mind-bending exercises, a la the Surfers’ “Hairway To Steven” efforts from days of yore.

Link to original publishing, page 38 of March 2015 issue of Illinois Entertainer
Link to YouTube posting of entire album (like it? Go buy it!)

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